Holidays and awareness days highlight important cultural, health, environmental, human, and animal welfare causes. This is why planning campaigns around nationally promoted holidays and events allows you to leverage a collective wave of awareness, relevant content, and fundraisers to support important causes in your communities.
How to build your Impact Calendar?
- Step 1: Identify the community issues that matter most to your financial institution
- Step 2: Find the national holidays or days of recognition that spotlight and align with your impact
- Step 3: Create and promote campaigns and content relevant to the holidays and days
- 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service — #MLKDay
- 28: Data Privacy Day — #DataPrivacyDay
- Awareness months associated with January include:
- National Staying Healthy Month — #StayingHealthy
- Financial Wellness Month — #FinancialWellness
- Poverty Awareness Month — #PovertyAwareness
- 2: World Wetlands Day — #WorldWetlandsDay
- 4: World Cancer Day — #WorldCancerDay
- 6: Safer Internet Day — #SaferInternetDay
- 13: World Radio Day — #WorldRadioDay
- 15: Digital Learning Day — #DigitalLearningDay
- 18: World Whale Day — #WorldWhaleDay
- 20: World Day of Social Justice — #SocialJusticeDay
- 27: International Polar Bear Day — #PolarBearDay
- 27: World NGO Day — #WorldNGODay
- 27: World Spay Day — #WorldSpayDay
- 29: Rare Disease Day — #RareDiseaseDay
- Awareness months associated with February include:
- Black History Month — #BlackHistoryMonth
- American Heart Month — #AmericanHeartMonth
- 3: World Wildlife Day — #WorldWildlifeDay
- 8: International Women’s Day — #IWD2024
- 9: World Kidney Day — #WorldKidneyDay
- 18: Global Recycling Day — #GlobalRecyclingDay
- 21: International Day of Forests — #WorldForestsDay
- 21: World Down Syndrome Day — #WorldDownSyndromeDay
- 21: World Poetry Day — #WorldPoetryDay
- 22: World Water Day — #WorldWaterDay
- 23: Earth Hour — #EarthHour
- 24: World Tuberculosis Day — #WorldTBDay
- Awareness months associated with March include:
- Women’s History Month — #WomensHistoryMonth
- National Reading Month — #ReadingMonth
- 2: World Autism Awareness Day — #WorldAustismDay
- 7: World Health Day — #WorldHealthDay
- 7-13: National Library Week — #NationalLibraryWeek
- 12: International Day for Street Children — #StreetChildrenDay
- 14: Good Deeds Day — #GoodDeedsDay
- 14: World Dolphin Day — #WorldDolphinDay
- 15: World Art Day — #WorldArtDay
- 22: Earth Day — #EarthDay
- 23: World Book Day — #WorldBookDay
- 25: World Malaria Day — #WorldMalariaDay
- 25: World Penguin Day — #WorldPenguinDay
- 30: International Jazz Day — #JazzDay
- Awareness months associated with April include:
- National Volunteer Month — #NationalVolunteerMonth
- Parkinson's Awareness Month — #ParkinsonsAwareness
- Autism Awareness Month — #AutismAwareness
- 3: World Press Freedom Day — #WorldPressFreedomDay
- 10: World Lupus Day — #WorldLupusDay
- 11: World Fair Trade Day — #WorldFairTradeDay
- 11: World Migratory Bird Day — #WorldMigratoryBirdDay
- 12: International Nurses Day — #NursesDay
- 17: Endangered Species Day — #EndangeredSpeciesDay
- 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia — #IDAHOTB
- 18: International Museum Day — #MuseumDay
- 22: International Day for Biological Diversity — #BiologicalDiversityDay
- 23: World Turtle Day — #WorldTurtleDay
- 28: World Hunger Day — #WorldHungerDay
- 31: World No Tobacco Day — #WorldNoTobaccoDay
- Awareness months associated with May include:
- Mental Health Month — #MentalHealthMonth
- National Pet Month — #NationalPetMonth
- ALS Awareness Month — #ALSAwareness & #ALS
- 5: World Environment Day — #WorldEnvironmentDay
- 8: World Ocean Day — #WorldOceanDay
- 12: World Day Against Child Labour — #WorldDayAgainstChildLabour
- 14: World Blood Donor Day — #WorldBloodDonorDay
- 16: World Sea Turtle Day — #WorldSeaTurtleDay
- 20: World Refugee Day — #WorldRefugeeDay
- 21: International Day of Yoga — #YogaDay
- 22: World Rainforest Day — #WorldRainforestDay
- Awareness months associated with June include:
- Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month — #AlzheimersAwareness & #BrainHealth
- LGBTQ+ Pride Month — #PrideMonth
- Men’s Health Month — #MensHealthMonth
- 1-7: Clean Beaches Week — #CleanBeaches
- 11: WorldPopulationDay — #WorldPopulationDay
- 18: Nelson Mandela International Day — #MandelaDay
- 28: World Hepatitis Day — #WorldHepatitisDay
- 29: International Tiger Day — #InternationalTigerDay
- 30: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons — #EndHumanTrafficking
- Awareness months associated with July include:
- Plastic Free July — #PlasticFreeJuly
- Disability Pride Month — #DisabilityPride
- Minority Mental Health Month — #MinorityMentalHealth
- 9: Indigenous People’s Day — #IndigenousDay
- 10: World Lion Day — #WorldLionDay
- 12: International Youth Day — #YouthDay
- 12: World Elephant Day — #WorldElephantDay
- 17: National Nonprofit Day — #NationalNonprofitDay
- 19: World Humanitarian Day — #WorldHumanitarianDay
- 26: National Dog Day — #DogDay
- 29: International Day Against Nuclear Tests — #AgainstNuclearTestsDay
- Awareness months associated with August include:
- Black Business Month — #BlackBusiness
- Sun Safety Month — #SunSafety
- 5: International Day of Charity — #CharityDay
- 8: International Literacy Day — #LiteracyDay
- 10: World Suicide Prevention Day — #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
- 15: International Day of Democracy — #DemocracyDay
- 21: International Day of Peace — #PeaceDay
- 21: World Alzheimer’s Day — #WorldAlzheimersDay
- 22: World Rhino Day — #WorldRhinoDay
- 27: World Tourism Day — #WorldTourismDay
- 29: World Rivers Day — #WorldRiversDay
- Awareness months associated with September include:
- Hispanic Heritage Month — #HispanicHeritageMonth
- National Literacy Month — #LiteracyMonth
- 4: World Animal Day — #WorldAnimalDay
- 4: World Habitat Day — #WorldHabitatDay
- 5: World Teachers Day — #WorldTeachersDay
- 6: World Cerebral Palsy Day — #WorldCPDay
- 10: World Homeless Day — #WorldHomelessDay
- 10: World Mental Health Day — #WorldMentalHealthDay
- 11: International Day of the Girl Child — #DayOfTheGirl
- 11: Coming Out Day — #ComingOutDay
- 12: World Arthritis Day — #WorldArthritisDay
- 13: World Thrombosis Day — #WorldThrombosisDay
- 16: World Food Day — #WorldFoodDay
- 16: Global Cat Day — #GlobalCatDay
- 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty — #EndPoveryDay
- 19: World Values Day — #WorldValuesDay
- 29: National Internet Day — #WorldInternetDay
- 31: World Cities Day — #WorldCitiesDay
- Awareness months associated with October include:
- Adopt a Shelter Dog Month — #AdoptAShelterDog
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month — #BreastCancerAwareness
- Emotional Wellness Month — #EmotionalWellness
- 3: International Day for Biosphere Reserves — #BiosphereReserves
- 13: World Kindness Day — #WorldKindnessDay
- 14: World Diabetes Day — #WorldDiabetesDay
- 16: International Day for Tolerance — #ToleranceDay
- 19: World Toilet Day — #WorldToiletDay
- 20: World Children’s Day — #WorldChildrensDay
- 21: World Pancreatic Cancer Day — #WorldPancreaticCancerDay
- 21: World Philosophy Day — #WorldPhilosophyDay
- 21: World Television Day — #WorldTVDay
- 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women — #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
- Awareness months associated with November include:
- Movember — #Movember
- Native American Heritage Month — #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth
- Diabetes Awareness Month — #DiabetesAwarenessMonth
- 1: World AIDS Day — #WorldAIDSDay
- 3: Giving Tuesday — #GivingTuesday
- 3: International Day of People with Disabilities — #IDPwD24
- 5: International Volunteer Day — #VolunteerDay
- 5: World Soil Day — #WorldSoilDay
- 9: International Anti-Corruption Day — #AntiCorruptionDay
- 10: International Human Rights Day — #HumanRightsDay
- 11: International Mountain Day — #MountainDay
- 18: International Migrants Day — #MigrantsDay
- Awareness months associated with December include:
- Universal Human Rights Month — #HumanRights
- National Giving Month — #GivingMonth
By incorporating key giving and awareness events into your marketing strategy, you are aligning the values of your financial institution with the communities you serve, thereby deepening engagement and attracting new socially conscious account holders. You can choose as few or as many awareness events as you'd like — as long as you stay committed to driving awareness through your outreach and social media efforts. Interested in boosting engagement and increasing your bottom line through community impact? Connect with us today to learn how.