What’s ahead:
- Your local food bank or a Feeding America food bank
- Habitat for Humanity
- The Frontline Families Fund
- The Boys and Girls Club
- Unicef
- Wrapping Up
On March 10, 2021, Congress passed a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill, one of the most extensive relief packages in U.S. history! Among other supports, the plan provided $1,400 for qualifying individuals, including children.
With pandemic factors like unemployment and hunger disrupting millions of lives, these stimulus checks provided families affected by COVID-19 some much-needed relief.
But what to do with your stimulus check if you don’t need it? Or what if you’re like my family who needs some support but would like to donate a portion to charitable causes? What is the the right charity to give to?
It’s a question some Americans are asking themselves while holding onto extra cash that they could do without.
The good news – plenty of reliable Covid relief organizations, are out there. The bad news, it’s challenging to narrow them down to a trustworthy few.
That’s why we did some digging and came up with 5 GREAT organizations you can donate your money to help families hurting from COVID-19.

5 Great Organizations You Can Donate Your Money To Help Families Hurting From COVID-19
1. Your local food bank or a Feeding America food bank
When the pandemic first started, I was in awe of how our local community in Ocala, Florida, took action. My kids will never forget when Interfaith, a local food bank/charity, held a drive-through food drive in March 2020.
This was our first Covid charitable action because we wanted to start local, and they were so quick to organize such an event.
It’s a good thing food banks like Interfaith sprung into action all over the country.
For starters, it’s projected that 43 million people may experience food insecurity due to the pandemic., Sadly, this will affect an estimated 13 million children.
Furthermore, food banks across the country are seeing 55 percent more people than before the pandemic started.
Not sure where your nearest foodbank is located? Check out Feeding America. This national organization allows you to input your zip code and find a Feeding America food bank location – responsible for providing 4.3 billion meals a year.
The organization also researches and creates reports on the latest hunger data in America and is the nation’s largest hunger-relief organization.
Donating your stimulus check to your local food pantry is just one way you could help families hurting from COVID-19. Donate through Spiral’s banking app and Spiral will match your donation by dollar-for-dollar, up to $150 per year³.
2. Habitat for Humanity
With a tagline of “Every hand makes a difference,” Habitat for Humanity funds and builds houses for those in need and has helped more than 29 million people gain access to affordable housing since its founding in 1976.
Not only can you donate your stimulus check to Habitat for Humanity, but you can volunteer your time for them, too.
Over 1.4 million, that’s right, MILLION people volunteered for the organization in 2019. And note that potential homeowners work right alongside volunteers and pay a reduced mortgage.
Unfortunately, the pandemic has only exacerbated the need for quality housing for underprivileged families, so organizations like Habitat for Humanity will be giving back for years to come.
Especially since UN-HABITAT projects around 40 percent of the world’s population will need housing by 2030.
Jonathan Reckford, International CEO of Habitat for Humanity, explained in a March 2020 press release, “You can help us help these families, these communities, our neighbors build back. Stronger, in solidarity and with your support.”
So, if you don’t need your stimulus check, Habitat for Humanity is a great organization you can donate your money to. Want to double the impact of your donation to Habitat for Humanity? Donate through Spiral’s banking app and Spiral will match your donation by dollar-for-dollar, up to $150 per year³.
3. The Frontline Families Fund
The Frontline Families Fund provides financial and educational scholarship support to families of healthcare workers who lost their lives to COVID-19.
It also educates the public about how the pandemic has highly affected Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
Epidemiologist, Dr. Michael Osterholm, envisioned the charity and has since discussed the organization on CBS This Morning and more.
When this article was written, the organization was steadily inching towards raising 2 million dollars, and 2,900+ U.S. healthcare workers had lost their lives.
Partnered with the Brave of Heart Fund and Scholarship America, the Frontlines for Families Fund is a great organization you can donate your money to help families hurting from COVID-19.
Want to double the impact of your donation to the Frontlines for Families Fund? Donate through Spiral’s banking app and Spiral will match your donation by dollar-for-dollar, up to $150 per year³.
4. The Boys and Girls Club
Founded in 1860, The Boys and Girls Club continues to provide programs and meals to underprivileged children.
The organization serves around 4,300 clubs, and as the site states, “every day 11.3 million children leave school with no place to go.”
The Boys and Girls Club offers a safe environment where kids can socialize with peers and participate in programming guided by trained youth development professionals.
According to BGCA youth outcome data:
- 91% of BGC youth reported that as a leader, they make others feel essential.
- 97% of BGC teens are expected to graduate from high school
- 75% of regular attendees said they volunteered in their community one or more times each year.
The organization offers programs and education in –
- Health and wellness
- Sports and recreation
- Arts
- Health and wellness\
- Workforce readiness
- Mentorship
- And more
CEO Jim Clark explained in a Boys and Girls Club video, “Now more than ever, we need you.”
He also explained the Boys and Girls Club is taking action during the pandemic by:
- Providing kids with free meals
- Extending hours
- Providing virtual programming
- Educating families on relevant topics such as talking to your child about Covid and the impact of grief on kids.
If you don’t need your stimulus check, you can donate to the Boys and Girls Club here.
Want to double the impact of your donation to the Boys and Girls Club?
5. Unicef
According to its website, “UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfill their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.”
With only 3 percent of donations going to administrative costs, Unicef is rated one of the best charities to donate to and holds a 90.86/100 Charity Navigator score.
Focused on helping our world’s children, Unicef is a great organization where you can donate your money to help families hurting from COVID-19.
Here’s how this well-known charity responding to the pandemic:
- The Cash for Needs Program supports affected families in Damascus, Syria offers single-time cash transfers to the most war-torn neighborhoods.
- By ensuring that 2 billion vaccines are fairly distributed in 2021.
- By providing health care workers and essential families with resources needed to keep safe.
- So far, the organization has provided 73 million people with soap, water, and other critical hygiene supplies.
- Supported 274 million children with remote learning.
- Trained 3.3 million health care workers in preventing and controlling infections.
Here are a few ways your donation could help:
- $210 provides 10 portable vaccine carriers
- $20 provides 100 bars of soap.
Donating your stimulus check or even a portion could make a HUGE impact.
Still, wondering what to do with your stimulus check? Check out Unicef (global) or UnicefUSA.
Want to double the impact of your donation to UNICEF? Donate through Spiral’s banking app and Spiral will match your donation by dollar-for-dollar, up to $150 per year³.
Wrapping Up
So, if you don’t need your stimulus check, explore one or all of the 5 great charitable organizations above.
Every little bit counts, and these reliable charities will put your money in good hands to make an impact, especially to families affected by COVID-19.
We’re all in this together, and giving to these pandemic causes is one small step towards changing our world for the better.
Now let’s give!